The new issue of Darna magazine, the winter issue & Mushroom Barley Soup
Every time the release of a new issue of Darna magazine approaches, I get so busy along with my partners in preparing for it. We are only a team of three who plan, cook, style, photograph, write, design and edit to come up with the bloom of our work, Darna magazine. We don't live in the same country, so our main way of communication is the WWW and we are so proud that we have pulled this off for three times in a row without missing our deadline, the 10th of each quarter.
The Dec, 2015 winter issue came out yesterday, full of winter recipes to warm your heart and soul. It's full of heritage and culture to educate people and to give them a glimpse of the richness of Middle Eastern Cuisine and to shed some light on the history behind its dishes. In this issue, you will find great recipes that no one will teach you, like how to make the Palestinian Maftoul like a pro from A to Z and in pictures, step by step. You will read about Jerusalem, where we take you on a journey of love through pictures telling you about the history and main attractions from a different perspective (the other face of the coin). We answer your questions, give advise to moms, create crafts from things you have at home and turn leftovers to complete new dishes. We also added more healthy recipes and of course the must Gluten free recipe.
So on behalf of the wonderful team of three, Nisreen Shawwa and Sawsan Abu Farha, I, Manal Obieda, encourage you to read it and give us your feedback, positive or negative we will take it :)
You can always email us at and or on our Facebook page . For the recipes in Arabic, we have Darna magazine blog, feel free to check it out for direct links to the English version of each recipe.
The Dec, 2015 winter issue came out yesterday, full of winter recipes to warm your heart and soul. It's full of heritage and culture to educate people and to give them a glimpse of the richness of Middle Eastern Cuisine and to shed some light on the history behind its dishes. In this issue, you will find great recipes that no one will teach you, like how to make the Palestinian Maftoul like a pro from A to Z and in pictures, step by step. You will read about Jerusalem, where we take you on a journey of love through pictures telling you about the history and main attractions from a different perspective (the other face of the coin). We answer your questions, give advise to moms, create crafts from things you have at home and turn leftovers to complete new dishes. We also added more healthy recipes and of course the must Gluten free recipe.
So on behalf of the wonderful team of three, Nisreen Shawwa and Sawsan Abu Farha, I, Manal Obieda, encourage you to read it and give us your feedback, positive or negative we will take it :)
You can always email us at and or on our Facebook page . For the recipes in Arabic, we have Darna magazine blog, feel free to check it out for direct links to the English version of each recipe.
Now back to this blog, I miss you people!!! I miss blogging so much..its amazing how addictive this can become. I get a high every time I have a new recipe to share and I do have many of these aligned so its is not like I haven't been cooking especially soups.
I love Mushrooms, I love mushroom soups in every form, lets face it, it is rare that you don't find fresh mushrooms in my fridge at all times. They are an ingredient in all kinds of recipes and I cringe every time I remember that when I was younger I resorted to the canned ones...YUCK!!! They are anything but mushrooms...seriously !!!
My recipe today is not the creamy Mushroom soup you are used to. Its actually a meal in it self if you think about it. Its Mushroom Barley Soup...YUM!!!
Mushroom Barley Soup
2 tbsp olive oil or butter
1 med onion chopped
2 cups mushrooms, roughly chopped
1 large carrot, chopped
1 large celery stalk, chopped
1/2 cup of barley
2 tbsp flour
6 cups stock (any kind you like, I used chicken), you can use vegetables, beef or just plain water
Chopped parsley and dill to finish the soup
Salt and pepper to taste
In a large pot, heat butter or oil and saute onions till translucent. Add carrots and celery and cook for few minutes. Add mushrooms and stir for few more minutes. Add barley. Season with salt and pepper. Add flour and cook for another 2 min. Add stock and stir to ensure no lumps and bring to a boil then cover and simmer for about 1/2 an hour till all is cooked . If you need more water or stock, add to your liking depending on how thick you like your soup to be. Finish with fresh herbs and enjoy. So hearty seriously!!!
كل ما بيقرب اطلاق عدد جديد من مجلة دارنا بنشغل انا وصديقاتي بالاعداد اله لدرجة بتبعدني عن المدونة. بس الشغل لدارنا حلو كتير وبيستاهل...احنا فريق من 3 بنحب اي اشي اسمه اكل...بنحب نرتبه ونصوره بشكل حلو لتشوفوه بعيوننا...احنا مش عايشين حتى بنفس البلد واللي بنفس البلد مش بنفس المدينة يعني ما بنجتمع لنطلع بدارنا...احنا بيجمعنا الحب والشغف لكل ما هو تراث عربي اصيل بنخطط وبنطبخ وبنرتب وبنصور وبنصمم وبنشاور ليطلع العدد زي ما بتشوفوه...ثمرة حب وتعاون وشغف لاصالة مطبخنا العربي.
بعدد مجلة دارنا الشتوي رح تشوفوا وصفات كتير حلوة مش بس طريقتها وكمان تاريخها....كيف اجت وشو اصلها وهاد هو المهم عشان ندافع عن اكلنا اللي عم بينسرق يوميا وبيتم نسبه لناس تانيين...هاد واجب كل واحدة فيكم...لما تطبخوا الاكلة وتقعدوا على السفرة احكوا لولادكم عنها..كيف صارت ومن اي بلد...الاكل ثقافة كبيرة وهو جزء لا يتجزأ من ثقافة اي شعب...جيل اليوم عايش على البيتزا والبرغر والمعكرونة...خليه يعرف شو يعني شكشوكة... شو اصل المفتول والشاورما...
بتمنى جد منكم انكم تاخدوا هاي المهمة على عاتقكم...جيل اليوم اذا طلع مش مثقف جزء من المسؤولية علينا...احنا ما عودناه...ابدوا اليوم...هاد تاريخنا وتاريخ اجدادنا...هاد الماضي والمستقبل...عشان يكون عنا هوية عربية والا رح نغيب ونذوب اكتر واكتر....
فبالنيابة عن صديقاتي سوسن ابو فرحة ونسرين الشوا...انا منال عبيدة بتمنى يعجبكم العدد الجديد وبتمنى نسمع منكم دايما سواءا على صفحة دارنا على الفيسبوك او على مدونة دارنا
نرجع لمدونتي ...مش تفكروني ما كنت اطبخ...عندي وصفات وافلام اشارككم فيها بس تحت التجهيز...زي ما وعدتكم وان شاء الله لازم اخلصها هاد الشهر لنبدأ 2016 على بياض :)
وصفة اليوم يمكن غريبة شوي بس زاكية كتير وهي شوربة للفطر مع الشعير...شعير ؟!!!! من وين بدنا نجيب شعير....؟!!!! سامعة الاسئلة قبل ما تسألوها...الحقيقة انا جبته من كوزمو واسمه بالانجليزي Barley بس اذا ما لقيتيه ما بيمنع تسألوا محلات العطارة والحبوب ممكن يكون موجود وتأكدوا يكون شكله هيك
واذا ما في استعملوا قمح...هاد اكيد موجود
شوربة الفطر والشعير
2 ملعقة طعام زيت زيتون او زبدة
بصلة صغيرة مفرومة ناعم
2 كوب فطر مفروم
جزرة كبيرة مفرومة
ا عود كرفس مفروم
1/2 كوب شعير
2 ملعقة طعام طحين
6 اكواب مرق
ملح وفلفل اسود
بقدونس وشبت طازج مفروم (حوالي ملعقة طعام من كل نوع)
يحمى الزيت وتقلب البصلة لتذبل
يضاف الجزر والكرفس وتقلب
يضاف الفطر ويقلب
يضاف الشعير والطحين وتقلب ثم المرق وتحرك لمنع الكتل ثم تملح وتبهر
عندما تغلي تخفض الحرارة وتغطى لتنضج حبات الشعير والخضار
يضاف البقدونس والشبت وتقدم.
جربوها رح تعجبكم كتير
Sharing this journey with you and Nisreen has been a true blessing Manal. It is so rare to find like-minded people who are welling to go the extra mile for something they love. Thank you for being you my friend