Coconut balls (Indian Lados)
If you don't know, I give cooking classes at my home. All kinds of dishes that I have mastered making along my journey in the culinary world. No, I haven't gone to cooking school or took cooking classes my self, however I believe that passion is the true and the most driving motivation towards mastering anything you set your mind into and cooking is no exception. I have been cooking since I was 12 years old and I remember enjoying every minute of it. Peeling potatoes, sifting flour and watching my mom making mu'ajanat (Arabic pasties). I remember begging her to help and she never said no. Thank you Mom for taking the time to teach me, having the patience to assist me along the way and for trusting me with one of the most important elements in your house; cooking lunch for the family when I was only 14. This kind of raising up helped to shape who I am today. I had to say all of this as I do get many questions about where did I learn how to cook and my simple answer is my MOM :)
The funny part is that if you ask my mom today she would say that I am a far better cook than she ever was!!! With the help of technology and the WWW, learning new skills doesn't require a school necessarily; well not for everything. However, you need a foundation like the one I was privileged to have as a child, a supportive and patient mom in addition to the passion to learn, experiment, fail and succeed once and once again.
This Saturday I gave a nice Indian cooking class, we made Garlic Naan, Tandoori, Quick Chicken Biryani, Tomato Chutney, Raita and finished it off with a delicious Mango Lassi.
Many have expressed their interest to attend these classes but can't due to certain conditions or they don't live in Jordan....etc. So to make it up to them, I have decided to share something (not from the class) but rather from the cooking class theme with them. Today I am sharing a very delicious and easy Indian dessert that you can serve in occasions as well...its called Coconut Lados
Coconut Lados
2 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
1 can condensed milk
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
Mix cardamom with coconut.
Start adding milk to coconut gradually; you might need more coconut if it is too wet. You need to be able to make a ball out of it. That's it...can it get simpler or easier than this.
Tip: you can dip it in chocolate if you like :)
يوم السبت كان عندي درس طبخ هندي....اسمتعنا كتير وطبخنا اكلات لزيزة منها التندوري وبرياني الدجاج السريع وخبز النان وعصير المانجا وغيرها...
ولاني بعرف في ناس بتحب الاكل الهندي بس صعب انها تحضر الدروس قررت اني اشارك المتابعين بوصفة (مش من الدرس لانه مش عدل للناس اللي اجت على الدرس) بس وصفة ضمن المطبخ اللي بيحكي عنه الدرس...ووصفة اليوم هي لحلو هندي سهل جدا جدا اسمه لادوس...بينعمل بسرعة وبدون طبخ ولزيز ضيافة
بس قبل هيك هاد الشهر ان شاء الله رح اشارككم قوائم لبدائل عن اشياء في المطبخ وهي اول 20 بديل ...لانه كلنا مش دايما عنا كل اشي...بس اكيد ممكن نبدل اشياء باشياء موجودة عنا....هي القائمة هي صورة ممكن تنزلوها وتخلوها عندكم كمرجع بالمستقبل
وهلا نرجع للحلو ...وهو بالمناسبة خالي من الجلوتين...فهي وصفة الشهر الخالية من الجلوتين
كرات جوز الهند على الطريقة الهندية (لادوس)
1/2 2 كوب جوز هند مبشور
علبة حليب مركز محلى
1/2 ملعقة صغيرة هيل مطحون
يخلط الهيل مع جوز الهند
يضاف الحليب المركز المحلى بالتدريج وتخلط لتصبح متامسكة ويمكن تشكيلها ككرات
تشكل وتقدم
يمكن تغطيسها بالشوكولاتة الذائبة (يفضل تبريدها بالثلاجة قبل ذلك لتصبح العملية اسهل)
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