Peanutella cookies, menu No. 2 & 3

I started writing this post Saturday the 5th of January but finished today; shocking!!! So am behind 2 weeks so am sorry!!!
Post on the 5th of January
So its Saturday AGAIN!!! Yes it is a tiring day for me though its the weekend as all that doesn't get done around the house is done usually on this day; grocery shopping, week cooking, loads and loads of laundry (thank God for the helper I have around who manages to take care of that) and of course orders here and there for my lovely customers.

I am still getting lots of questions about the weekly cooking and I stand by what I said; this works for me not necessarily you; it depends on how picky your family is. Taking out my eldest son, Sultan, we are a very forgiving family who love and enjoy a home cooked meal. To me weekly cooking not only saves me during the week from coming back from work to start another job in the kitchen by cooking next days meal, it actually have many benefits one of which I mentioned in my previous post like cooking with fresh produce. However another benefit is:
Saving on washing dishes. When I cook for the week I plan my meals where I brown meat for more than one dish for example, or boil chicken or meat for more than one dish. If I were to cook every day or every other day, that means I will have to brown the meat for that particular meal consequently more pots and dishes to wash. Yes my sink looks like it was hit by a tornado by the time I finish my work every Saturday and yes my helper would chock me if she can help it, however, looking at the positive side, she thinks that she gets this job done once every week rather than every day. So:

Saving on washing dishes = saving time = saving water = saving dish washing detergent 
Pretty good!!!

Talking about are your weekly saving challenge doing? I reached 12.5 JDs this week...week 5 and going strong!!!

And going back to this weeks menu:
Friday: Left overs from last week
Saturday: Cauliflower Maqlobeh & a green salad
Sunday: Leftovers & chicken Taqitos
Monday: Minazaleh (Palestinian Mossaka), Potato casserole with rice (both are small sizes)
Tuesday: Leftovers & freekeh soup
Wed: Cauliflower stew & rice
Thursday: Leftovers & pasta casserole (small size) &a salad

And here is a shot to all my achievements today

No desserts this week...sorry guys...
However last week I made peanutella stuffed chocolate chip cookies...mmmmm and they flied off the cookie wrack...

Post on the 10th of Feb
Well am very sorry about not posting last week, time was so excuses. I managed to pull off a very good menu and this week I decided to do the same..
Here is what I cooked for the week ahead

Friday: Arayes Lahmeh (Minced meat sandwiches), oven fries, Fateh Makdous (using leftover Munazaleh)
Saturday: Freekeh and chicken with spinach tabooleh
Sunday: Zucchini yogurt stew with rice
Monday: Leftovers & lentils with sweet potato soup
Tuesday: Green beans stew & rice
Wed: Left overs
Thursday: Take out (I haven't taken a break for a while now and I deserve one)

Very easy and straight forward week. For dessert I made Strawberry romanoff using some leftover strawberries where I pureed and folded into whipping cream and crushed meringue...delicious.

So going back to the peanutella is the recipe:

Use this wonderful chocolate chip recipe from my blog.

I took the photos when they were completely cold so the peanutella hardened a bit

On a baking sheet lined with was paper, take a tea spoon of the peanutella and drop on the wax paper, continue and freeze.
After you prepare the cookie dough, take a Tbsp of the cookie dough and drop on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, add the frozen peanutella drop in the middle then top with 1/2 Tbsp of cookie dough. Continue and leave around 4 cm between each cookie.
Bake at 180 for 12-15 minutes then let it rest on the baking sheet outside the oven for 5 minutes before you transfer to a cooling wrack.

And hey, how are your saving plan going? I have added 5.5 to the jar. Total this week 18 JDs. In case you don't know what am talking about refer to this post

الي اسبوعين بكتب بهاد البوست...جد مش معقول... بس الحقيقة الاسبوع الماضي كان كتير ضغط بالشغل والبيت ..الله بيعين...
بس هاد لا يعني اني ما مشيت على خطة ومنيو الاسبوع الماضي.. والاسبوع هاد المنيو هي كالتالي:
الجمعة: عرايس بلحمة وبطاطا بالفرن وفتة مكدوس من بواقي المنزلة وحلو كان عندي شوية فراولة هرستهم مع كريما مخفوقة وكسرت عليهم ميرانج (هاي اسمها رومانوف)
السبت: فريكة ودجاج وتبولة سبانخ
الاحد: مطفية كوسا باللبن ورز
الاثنين: بواقي وشوربة عدس بالبطاطا الحلوة (رجح احط الوصفة كمان كم يوم)
الثلاثاء: فاصوليا وارز
الاربعاء: بواقي
الخميس: يجيبوا اكل من برة لاني جد عفت حالي من زمان ما اخدت راحة :)

كتير ناس بسألوني اديش انا مستفيدة من الطبخ الاسبوعي؟ الصراحة اذا بتفكروا فيها غير الراحة من الطبخ اليومي في فايدة مهمة وهي التوفير في الجلي والتوسيخ. يعني موسخة مرة واحدة وسالقة لحمة او دجاج سالقة بتسلقيهم مرة واحدة وبالتالي توفير مي وصابون جلي كمان. جربوها وخبروني شو رأيكم.

كيف التوفير؟ الاسبوع الماضي حطيت 4 دنانير ونص وهاد الاسبوع 5 دنانير ونص...المجموع للان هو 18 دينار
وقررت ابدا توفير نوع تاني سهل كتير اللي ما رح يقدر على هاد يستناني البوست الجاي رح نوفر فوق ال 600 دينار بالسنة بدون ما تحسوا...استنوا البوست

جربتوا البيناتيلا؟ انا قلتلكم رح اعمل منها بسكوت وكنت عند وعدي..

اعملو بسكوت رقائق الشوكولاتة بهاي الوصفة
بسكوت برقائق الشوكولاتة

بتاخدو معلقة صغيرة من البينتيلا وبتحطوها على صينية عليها ورق زبدة وبتكررو العملية وبعدين بتفرزوها
بس تحضروا عجينة البسكوت بتحطوا ملعقة طعام من عجينة البسكوت على الصينية المبطنة بورق الخبز وبعدين البينتيلا بالنص بعدين بناخد 1/2 معلقة كبيرة من عجينة البسكوت وبنغطي فيها البينتيلا وبنخبزها على 180 من 12-15 دقيقة وبنتركها ترتاح على الصينية بعدين بتنتقل على سلك معدني. مهم انها تكون بعيدة عن بعض بالصينية من 3-4 سم.


  1. These cookies must have a great balance of taste of nutella and peanuts.It looks mouth watering. I just can't wait to make it in order to taste it!


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