First vlog about Feb cooking from pantry challenge & French Bread recipe
If you are reading this you are one of the wonderful people who decided to join this private blog now. It has been quite a nice ride for 7 years where I posted a lot of content for the public, however and due to several reasons; one of which is to stop the theft of content, I have decided to go private to people like you who feel and understand what this blog is about. YES, there are many fish out there in the sea, as some followers told me accusing me of greed and trying to use and manipulate their need to access the blog while they can't any more without the subscription. Such kind of accusations make me feel even more sure that they where in the wrong place and they never appreciated what this is all about. And with my new plans for a richer content, I know they are missing out big time...too bad for them. One of them told me that I am going to lose my followers this way, maybe true to a certain extent, yet my followers (like you) who understand and appreciate all that has been done here, are just the ones I seek to have as followers and even friends. Thank you so much for believing in this blog. Thank you so much for knowing and appreciating the amount of hard work that has been put here all these was quite a journey of love and will continue even stronger to all who believe in the power of good, quality and constructive content out there in the crazy world wide web.
One of the plans for this blog as it turned private is to connect it to a youtube private channel where I can start connecting with you and talking directly to you as I did on SnapChat. The only down side is that youtube decided to stop private channels and the only way is to make the films private and to send you an invitation. It might be this extra step that I and you have to take, however I hope it will be all worth it. The content and style of these videos (vlogs) is going to be different than the style I have adapted on my channel before, I will still keep the old style for some recipes, but the part about organization, saving money and other tips might not be easy as I need to talk and explain.
As we are heading towards the beginning of Feb 2019, I have decided to go into a cook from your pantry, fridge and freezer challenge. You will know every single details about it if you will follow the videos I will be sharing with you. I would like to apologize before hand that they are a bit long but it is necessary to shed the light on certain details that need to be taken into consideration. You might want to go through the challenge with me, or you might choose another month, what ever is your decision, I hope you will benefit at least from some tips mentioned in this video. I would love to hear from you, you can easily comment below this post, ask me questions and give me feed back as this is going to be our way of interaction from now on, so don't be shy.
So as I am going to cook from my pantry in Feb, the creativity in meals will be focused more on snacks, Friday breakfast and some baking which will be necessary to avoid spending some cash in the bakery. Having said that, today's recipe is French bread, a recipe I made on snapchat before but didn't have the chance to document here. These lovely loaves of bread will go the freezer as I anticipate to make garlic bread with them along with some pasta dishes on the menu.
If you are interested in printing out the menu plan I used in the video please visit
And here is the first vlog
French bread
4 cups flour
1 Tbsp yeast
1 Tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups of warm water
1 Tbsp of shortening or butter
Mix yeast, sugar and 1/2 cup of warm water in your mixer or bowl
Add the rest of the ingredients and knead for at least 7-8 min using a stand up mixer or 10 min by hand.
Cover and let it rest for one hour until it doubles in size.
Divide the dough into 2 or 3 sections, roll on a floured surface then roll as if you are making a swiss roll. Close the ends and seal it well. Let it rest again for another hour; covered until double in size. Heat to oven to the highest temperature 15 min before baking. Put a pan of hot water at the bottom of your oven to create steam while baking to help the bread form a crust.
Bake from 25-30 min till golden brown.
This can be easily frozen for future use.
One of the plans for this blog as it turned private is to connect it to a youtube private channel where I can start connecting with you and talking directly to you as I did on SnapChat. The only down side is that youtube decided to stop private channels and the only way is to make the films private and to send you an invitation. It might be this extra step that I and you have to take, however I hope it will be all worth it. The content and style of these videos (vlogs) is going to be different than the style I have adapted on my channel before, I will still keep the old style for some recipes, but the part about organization, saving money and other tips might not be easy as I need to talk and explain.
As we are heading towards the beginning of Feb 2019, I have decided to go into a cook from your pantry, fridge and freezer challenge. You will know every single details about it if you will follow the videos I will be sharing with you. I would like to apologize before hand that they are a bit long but it is necessary to shed the light on certain details that need to be taken into consideration. You might want to go through the challenge with me, or you might choose another month, what ever is your decision, I hope you will benefit at least from some tips mentioned in this video. I would love to hear from you, you can easily comment below this post, ask me questions and give me feed back as this is going to be our way of interaction from now on, so don't be shy.
So as I am going to cook from my pantry in Feb, the creativity in meals will be focused more on snacks, Friday breakfast and some baking which will be necessary to avoid spending some cash in the bakery. Having said that, today's recipe is French bread, a recipe I made on snapchat before but didn't have the chance to document here. These lovely loaves of bread will go the freezer as I anticipate to make garlic bread with them along with some pasta dishes on the menu.
If you are interested in printing out the menu plan I used in the video please visit
And here is the first vlog
French bread
4 cups flour
1 Tbsp yeast
1 Tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups of warm water
1 Tbsp of shortening or butter
Mix yeast, sugar and 1/2 cup of warm water in your mixer or bowl
Add the rest of the ingredients and knead for at least 7-8 min using a stand up mixer or 10 min by hand.
Cover and let it rest for one hour until it doubles in size.
Divide the dough into 2 or 3 sections, roll on a floured surface then roll as if you are making a swiss roll. Close the ends and seal it well. Let it rest again for another hour; covered until double in size. Heat to oven to the highest temperature 15 min before baking. Put a pan of hot water at the bottom of your oven to create steam while baking to help the bread form a crust.
Bake from 25-30 min till golden brown.
This can be easily frozen for future use.
اهلا وسهلا بكل المشتركين بالمدونة حاليا واللي بعتبرهم من الصفوة من متابعيني اللي ايمانهم بهاي المدونة هو الاساس اللي بيخليني استمر بتقديم كل ما احب ان اشارككم بكل حب ومن القلب كما عودتكم دائما. القرار باني اخلي المدونة خاصة وبقيمة اشتراك رمزية واجه الكثير بل عاصفة من الاعتراضات والانتقادات بل والاتهامات باني استغلالية ومادية وبستغل حب الناس للمدونة لالوي دراعهم وانهم يشاركوا...بالمقابل قي ناس زيكم عارفين انه قيمة الاشتراك الرمزية جدا لا توازي حجم الجهد المبذول طوال 7 سنوات مضت ولا حجم الطموح والاحلام اللي بتمناها لهاي المدونة. القرار ما كان سهل ابدا وبعالم التدوين ممكن يكون انتحاري لاني نزلت عدد المشاهدات بشكل دراماتيكي ...لكن بالنسبة الي الموضوع مش هيك ابدا...الموضوع هو انه اذا انت كقارئ مو فاهم شو يعني هاد المكان اللي بشاركك فيه قطعة من حياتي...انه مش يس وصفات...انك مقدر حجم التعب اللي بينحط هون بكل كلمة وصورة وبوست...يبقى هاد المكان مش الك...عشان هيك انا مرتاحة بقراري هاد وبحب اشكر كل شخص فيكم قرر انه يشارك واعتبر قيمة الاشتراك الرمزية قيمة رمزية (لانها فعلا هيك) مقابل ما بذل من حهد وما سيقدم باذن الله لاحقا...
لغاية الان سنة ال 2019 سنة تعزيل بامتياز...هههههههه يعني حتى مدونتي عزلتها من القراء اللي واضح وللاسف انه عدد كبير منهم كانوا مو فاهمين شو هي بالزبط واعتبروها وصفات بس...يعني لو انها كتاب كان انباعت وعمات ثروة جميلة...ولو انها كتاب كان ما بتكون بهاد الزخم والتنويع بالاضافة الى انها حية وتنمو باستمرار مع الوقت والايام مو مثل كتاب مطبوع او الكتروني بتشتريه والسلام.
مع اقتراب بداية شهر 2 رح اخوض تحدي حكيت عنه كتير قبل هيك وهو تحدي الطبخ من المونة والفريزر والثلاجة. بس الفرق هلا انكم رح فعلا تكونوا معي خطوة بخطوة ومن خلال الفيديوهات على قناة اليوتيوب واللي رح احكي فيها بالتفصيل عن كل شي يخص التحدي من التخطيط للوجبات الى السوبرماركت والاسعار وادائي خلال الشهر وهيك. اول فيديو هو فيديو ترحيبي وتعريفي بالقناة الخاصة بالاضافة الى انه اول فيديو للتحدي هاد الشهر واللي بيركز على استعراض شو عندي وعمل قائمة بالوجبات المخطط الها بشهر 2 باذن الله. بعتذر على انه طويل شوي فممكن تشتغلي بالمطبخ ولا بالبيت وتسمعي شو بحكي مشان ما تتعطلي واتمنى لكم الاستفادة. وبانتظار تعليقاتكم وتواصلكم معي هون بالتعليق اسفل اليوست واشوف مين ناوية تخوض التحدي وكيف اداءها.
اول وصفة هي وصفة الخبز الفرنسي اللي عملتها معكم على سناب تشات بس ما نزلتها لضيق الوقت. عملت الخبز وحطيته بالفريزر لاعمل منه خبز بالثوم مع المعكرونة المخطط لعملها هاد الشهر باذن الله.
اذا حبيتوا تطبعوا جدول وجبات للاسبوع او الشهر زوروا
هاي المنيو اللي طبعتها
هي الفيديو الاول
الخبز الفرنسي
4 اكواب دقيق
ملعقة كبيرة خميرة
ملعقة طبيرة سكر
ملعقة كبيرة زبدة او شورتنج
2 ملعقة صغيرة ملح
1/2 1 كوب ماء دافئ
تخلط الخميرة مع السكر و1/2 كوب ماء دافئ
يضاف الدقيق والزبدة والملح وبقية الماء وتعجن من 7-8 دقيائق على العجانة او 10 باليد للحصول على عجينة لينة ولا تلتصق
تغطى وتخمر مدة ساعة في مكان دافئ
تقطع اما الى 2 او 3 قطع وتفرد مستطيل وتعمل رزا وتغلق الجوانب وتوضع على صينية الخبز زتخمر ساعة اخرى وهي مغطاة
قبل الخبز بربع ساعة يحمى الفرن على اعلى درجة وتوضع صينية من الماء الساخن في قاع الفرن لعمل جو من البخار اثناء الخبز
نقوم بعمل حزوز بالشفرة على وجة الارغفة
توضع الصينية بالفرن وتخبز من 25-30 دقيقة لتتحمر
مش راضي يشتغل الفيديو مع العلم أنه في حساب يوتيوب
ReplyDeleteFinally completed the whole video ...wonderful tips and am gonna try the challenge with you Manal ...💕💕
ReplyDeleteراااائعة منال حبييييت طريقتك انا بعمل شوية اشياء من اللي حكيتيها بس استفدت من كتييير نقاط يعطيكي العافية
ReplyDeleteتسلم ايديك انا رح اجربة بأقرب وقت ممكن و أخبرك بنتائج ان شاء الله
ReplyDeleteالفيديوا رائع منال وفي أشياء كتير مفيدة وانا رح امشي معك فيه بالتأكيد